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Like Minds
If you are a highly motivated learner, and are looking for extra opportunities in Year 7 next year, the Like Minds program might be for you.
Korumburra Secondary College’s Like Minds program includes a select entry class for students in Year 7 and 8. Year 7 and 8 Like Minds students are in class together for English, Maths, Humanities, Science, Health, PE, LOTE (Japanese), Art and our Enterprise Program, while mixing with other students from their year level for Technology and elective/rotation subjects. While in class together, the Like Minds students cover the curriculum for Year 7 and 8, with a particular focus on developing ‘real world’ skills and capabilities, and through a unique Teaching and Learning Approach.
The Like Minds class also includes a particular focus on three key areas –
The Like Minds Teaching and Learning Approach
While the Like Minds classes cover the same topics as mainstream classes, the learning activities for these classes is designed around six key prinicples. In 2020 we developed our Like Minds Teaching and Learning Approach which states: The Like Minds program focusses on providing students with different and challenging work while pushing them to look deeper in to ideas. The Like Minds program emphasises choice in learning and working with a range of other people. Learning is done through hands-on/immersive activities as well as varied and unique extra-curricular activities.
The development of ‘real world’ skills
Through Challenge Days, Immersion programs, Personal Challenges and day-to-day classes, Like Minds students actively develop their Enterprise Capabilities and ACE Capabilities. Enterprise Capabilities are the 8 sets of skills and knowledge that research shows most support success in the ‘real world’. ACE Capabilities refer to a set of behavioural expectations developed by KSC to support all students to be effective learners.
Student Voice and Agency refers to opportunities provided for students to have a say in their learning. Fortnightly surveys give Like Minds students the opportunity for input into what learning opportunities are provided, and how they are delivered.
Weekly FLEX time allows students design their own learning and projects in areas that they are passionate about, or spend more time on their favourite subjects.
Weekly routines also allow students to practise positive mental health strategies
Building a strong sense of community
Through classroom activities, extra-curricular activities and celebration evenings, we focus on building strong connections within the student group, as well as with teachers, parents and the broader community.
Students who have nominated to attend Korumburra Secondary College in 2023 may apply to be part of the Like Minds program. Students will be selected on the basis of their positive attitude towards learning, and willingness and ability to engage in the three key areas mentioned above.
For more information please contact John Wilson via email on or 5655 1566, or like our ‘KSC Like Minds’ Facebook page.

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